Our capability practice can help uplift your internal customer and digital capability.

Customer centricity, agility, and digital enablement are fundmanental to organisational success and performance. We believe it's vital for organisations to have internal capability, and not be over-reliant on external experts, outsourcing or procurement to deliver better outcomes through digital.

We provide a range of support and services to help organisations to establish or uplift your own internal capabilities.


Leaders play a critical role in creating the conditions for team and organisational performance.

At better as usual, we are passionate about nurturing the customer centric, digitally savvy Leaders and Directors that organisations and society need to deliver better outcomes. 

Our coaching, mentoring, and learning networks are delivered by experienced leaders and experts,  helping you grow your perspective, capabilities, and networks to maximise your impact.


High performing teams sit at the heart of delivering better outcomes.

At better as usual, we are committed to helping our customers grow customer centric, agile teams that can deliver better outcomes quickly and sustainably.

Our team support and augmentation services leverage experienced practitioners to help you uplift team performance and alignment, and build lasting capability.


Our ultimate goal is to help grow high performing, sustainable organisations that deliver better outcomes day in, day out.

At better as usual, we work with senior leaders and boards to establish a tailored, context specific strategy and plan for uplifting Customer Centricity, Digital Capability, and Organisational agility.


How can we help you uplift your internal capability.

Agile Transformation

Customer centricity and agility are inextricably linked.

While many organisations attempt “agile transformations”, genuine success stories are few and far between. Too often we see top down transformations fail at significant cost and missed opportunity, as organisations get distracted by the symbols and terminology of agile ways of working, and fail to sustainably shift behaviours, performance and enhance outcomes.

At better as usual, we favour an evolutionary approach to enhancing agility. We help our customers to start small, deliver tangible benefits early, and then progressively scale. We support teams and organisations to change through a balanced focus on uplifting culture, skills, mechanisms, ways of working, architecture, and platforms, all whilst delivering real customer and organisation outcomes.

Digital capability uplift

Tired of being dependent on others for everything when it comes to Digital? We’d love to become the partner that you don’t need..

We’re passionate about helping organisations develop and grow their own digital capability. We achieve this through pairing together to work on your Digital Initiatives. Through our paired time together, we will coach your people in Digital skills, knowledge, mindset, and ways of working and leave you with an independent and self-sufficient team that can continue to deliver better outcomes without us.

Team Lab

Need help establishing shared purpose, direction and alignment with and for your team?

Our Team Lab is a supportive environment for teams who have newly formed or need hep with renewal. We create a safe space and provide specialist support to help teams build trust, clarify their purpose, develop their team charter, and agree goals and plans.

Learning network

Digital acumen is a critical competency for leaders and boards. 

Our learning networks create an intimate, high trust environment for the continued learning and support of leaders to develop the digital acumen they need to lead their teams and organisations.


Coaching can be a valuable method of development for both teams and businesses.

Our executive coaches are  passionate about equipping organisations with the high performing, customer centric, digitally savvy Leaders and Directors they need to succeed. Our team brings  deep experience across sectors, and from some of Australia’s most successful organisations to help you fulfil your full potential and achieve better outcomes.

Talent, Augmentation, and Pairing

There is arguably no decision that has a greater impact on organisational success than choosing your team. Making the best decision you can role by role, whilst ensuring the overall team and organisation has the diversity, combination of strengths, and talent pipeline you need to sustain success is challenging. Add the pressures of delivery and a tight labour market, and too often we see organisations and suppliers resort to body shopping. Teams start to bring in the wrong talent. Teams engagement suffers, attrition climbs, and performance plateaus or declines.

Our approach to talent is focussed on ensuring sustainable customer success. We work with you to carefully attract and grow the talent you need, and our Talent+ service provides customers and candidates with additional wrap-around governance, advice, and coaching services to support long-term success.

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