Our learning networks help you grow your digital leadership acumen and impact
Deep network development
Learning networks foster leadership growth through a combination of peer learning, mentoring, deep network development, and expert speakers. Our aim is to support organisations and society through the growth and support of values based, digitally savy leaders who can help their teams and organisations navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by digitial diusruption.
What are the benefits?
Peer learning
Learning networks complement conferences, content, and formal education, with a principle focus on peer learning. Learning from peers and speakers on what’s worked and has’t worked in their careers. Practical development from working through real world challenges faced by each participant together
Deep networks
Networks play a vital role in leadership careers. A true network can be an invaluable and mutual source of advice, support, learning, and opportunity. The antithesis of typical “networking”, leadership networks are the ultimate networking for leaders who “hate networking”. Our learning networks are focussed on providing leader with genuine, high-trust, professionally supportive relationships that span companies, industries, and sectors. Our networks are grounded in share experiences, common goals, and mutual relevance.
Learning networks will be joined by CEOs, Senior Executives, and Directors for an intimate, authentic, and open discussion to help leaders learn from others and broaden their perspective.
Digital acumen
Our learning networks have a particular focus on growing the digital acumen of today and tommorow’s leaders. Learning networks explore the safe, confidential, pragmattic application and implications of digital from it’s impact on business models through to the application of core and emerging technology.
What is the format?
Leadership networks are limited to 12 participants.
Your leadership network will come together in person 3 times per year. Each session will span 2 days and include an evening session.
What are the costs?
Annual membership of the learning network is $12,000.
Travel and accommodation costs are not included in the annual membership.
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